My other web site will be located at alantuckersgreatwarpages when research is finished.

It will be a complete history of the Royal Warwickshire Regiment in the First War 1914-1918 and will detail all sixteen fighting battalions on the Western Front, Gallipoli, Mesopotamia and Italy.

It is based on every battalion war diary, memoirs and diaries and a range of other sources. There will be a large number of details of individual men, particularly those who were killed which will draw on an extensive database which was the beginning of the project.

It will cover:-

The Regulars

1st Battalion

2nd Battalion

The Territorials

1/5th Battalion

1/6th Battalion

1/7th Battalion

1/8th Battalion

2/5th Battalion

2/6th Battalion

2/7th Battalion

2/8th Battalion

The Service Battalions 

9th Battalion

10th Battalion

11th Battalion

14th Battalion (1st Birmingham Pals)

15th Battalion (2nd Birmingham Pals)

16th Battalion (3rd Birmingham Pals)

An anonymous soldier of the Regiment

Bruce Bairnsfather, the famous cartoonist, served as an officer in the 1st Battalion

The antelope badge found on CWGC headstones

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